The first was made from this beautiful evening dress pattern.

The bodice is made with a striped rayon fabric, which I love; I made a skirt with it a few years ago, and I still have about four yards waiting for the perfect pattern. I lined it with a sheer black material so as not to weigh it down. When I first saw the pattern piece for the bodice, I thought, "Hmm; where's the rest of it?!" It has a little less fabric on the top than I'm accustomed to, but it's so beautiful!

I'm hoping to wear it to a wedding in August. I love this pattern, and I'd really like to make a shortened version for a summer daytime dress.
My second entry is this blouse. I found this beautiful herringbone wool on sale, and decided to use it to make up this pattern. Don't you love the sleeves?!

I had to grade it down to my size, which was a little challenging. It's hard to tell from the photos, but I made the herringbone pattern run vertically on the sleeves and lower bodice, and horizontally on the upper bodice and belt. It's much more noticeable in person. I made the skirt and gloves last summer and never got to share them; I'll show some more of them later.

I'm so glad that I got a chance to enter the contest this year; if you have a chance, you should visit the site and take a look at all of the other wonderful entries. Of course, I would never attempt to influence your vote (please vote for me) in any way! :)